Procurement Courses

Select a course from the largest procurement education center worldwide

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The courses you’ll get access to

Self-paced video lessons, combined with lesson transcripts, templates, and personal coaching.

Negotiation Course

Negotiation Course for Procurement

Learn from industry experts who negotiated billion $ deals

Negotiation Course

Procurement Strategy Course

Take the lead with our proven 5-step procurement strategy

Negotiation Course

Sustainable Procurement Course

Maintain profitability while moving toward sustainability

Negotiation Course

ChatGPT & AI in Procurement Course

Unleash the power of ChatGPT & AI within procurement

Negotiation Course

Junior Procurement Management Course

Learn how to execute the perfect procurement process

Negotiation Course

Mini-MBA for Procurement Managers

Enhance your expertise to make valuable strategic contributions


Strategic Procurement Leadership Program

Future-Proof Your Procurement Leadership Skills


Soft Skills for Procurement

Boost interpersonal skills for impactful procurement roles


Supplier Relationship Management

Master the fundamentals of Supplier Relationship Management


Category Management in Procurement

Advanced category management in procurement


Risk Management in Procurement

Transform risks into opportunities

Cultural Impact on Negotiations Course

Cultural Impact on Negotiations

Global Negotiation Skills: Cultures explored


Value Chain Analysis Course

Value Chain Analysis

Strategic Value Chain optimization

Value Chain Analysis Course

Spend Analysis Course

In-depth Analysis: Uncover potential savings


Trusted by more than
70+ companies

Customers Procurement Tactics


Our courses

Negotiation Course

Negotiation Course for Procurement



27 Video Lessons

Templates & personal coaching

Single Course Price

$875 when bought individually

1. Negotiation strategy: how to prepare your negotiation

Taking a ‘prepared’ seat at the negotiation table gives power and confidence. There are many bright ways to prepare easier and faster for your upcoming negotiations. Learn how to unlock your full procurement potential with practical negotiation design.

What you will learn:

  • How to form a negotiation strategy
  • How to get into your counterpart’s mind
  • Power balance
  • Negotiation styles
  • Negotiation strategy goal setting
  • Carrots & sticks
  • Negotiation teams

This module includes:

  • Extra reading material
  • 8 video lessons
  • 2 Powerpoint templates

Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

2. Negotiation skills: how to achieve the best deal results

Get better deal results by implementing your detailed negotiation strategy. Endless negotiation tactics and psychological tricks will help you to gain the upper hand in your negotiations. Our proven templates will help you close better deals.

What you will learn:

  1. Negotiation skills
  2. Negotiation opening
  3. Reservation price & ZOPA
  4. Negotiation psychology
  5. Questioning and listening skills
  6. Negotiation tactics
  7. Non negotiable
  8. Walk away point
  9. How to keep track of proposals
  10. Negotiation mistakes

This module includes:

  • Extra reading material
  • 10 video lessons
  • 1 Powerpoint template

Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

3. Advanced negotiations: Unleashing the power of AI with ChatGPT [NEW]

In this exciting new module, you’ll learn how to use the latest cutting-edge technology to take your negotiation skills to the next level. With ChatGPT, you’ll be able to practice your negotiation skills in a safe and risk-free environment, where you can hone your strategies and tactics before putting them to the test in the real world.

You’ll discover everything about leveraging ChatGPT to prepare for negotiations, create the most effective negotiation strategies and tactics. We will also teach you how to use artificial intelligence to prepare for unexpected scenarios with role-playing exercises.

Whether you’re a seasoned procurement professional or just starting out, this module will take your negotiation game to the next level. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to leverage the power of artificial intelligence.

What you will learn:

  1. Introduction to AI & ChatGPT
  2. Introduction to ChatGPT in negotiations
  3. Preparing negotiations with ChatGPT
  4. Negotiation strategies with ChatGPT
  5. Questioning & listening skills
  6. Countering proposals
  7. Expected argument suppliers
  8. Negotiation tactics with ChatGPT
  9. ChatGPT roleplaying

This module includes:

  • Extra reading material
  • 9 video lessons
  • 21 prompts you can use

Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

Negotiation Course

Procurement Strategy Course



6 Video Lessons

Templates & personal coaching

Single Course Price

$875 when bought individually

Personal Procurement Plan
No result without clear plans. Learn how to transform data into power and build your own Personal Procurement plan in 5 easy steps. Your result will be an actionable procurement plan that helps you deliver savings for your business.
What you will learn:
  1. The basics of procurement
  2. Procurement planning
  3. External analysis
  4. Internal analysis
  5. Supplier plotting
  6. Building your personal procurement plan

This course includes:

  • Extra reading material
  • 6 video lessons
  • 2 Powerpoint templates

Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

Negotiation Course

Sustainable Procurement Course



46 Video Lessons

Templates, Tools & personal coaching

Single Course Price

$875 when bought individually

1. Sustainability Fundamentals

Did you know that humans are currently using the ecological resources of 1.75 Earths and unless we change our consumption pattern, we’ll need three Earths by 2050 to meet our demands?

In this module, we will dive into the fundamentals of sustainability. These lessons will serve as a foundation for the sustainable procurement strategy you will create throughout this course.

We will look at the relationship between sustainability and procurement, key business drivers of sustainable procurement, and how to deal with stakeholders while working towards sustainable procurement.

What you will learn:

    • Sustainability
    • Circular economy
    • Introduction to procurement
    • Introduction to sustainable procurement
    • Principles and pillars of sustainable procurement
    • Stakeholders
    • Business drivers of sustainable procurement
    • Benefits of sustainable procurement
    • Treaties and standards
    • Corporate social responsibility
    • CSR in procurement
    • Key considerations
    • Businesses that embraced sustainability

    Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

    2. Linking Sustainability to Your Business

    In this module, we’ll introduce the Sustainable Procurement Policy (SPP) document. It is a document that translates the vision into operational management. It describes the procurement intentions, objectives, and values of the organization, as formally expressed by its top management. It usually describes elements like vision, values, commitments, and rules.

    We will also dive into the Sustainable Procurement Strategy (SPS) document. It includes strategy, which is the route that must be followed to realize the vision. It also outlines how an organization’s procurement objectives and directions will be carried out through a detailed action plan.

    We’ll also explore supplier selection and mapping sustainable issues. The outputs of this module will contribute to building a comprehensive sustainable procurement strategy.

    What you will learn:

      • Procurement policies & strategies
      • CSR policies
      • Market analysis
      • Supply chain analysis & risk assessment
      • Supplier referencing
      • Mapping sustainability issues
      • Cost analysis
      • Accountability
      • Formulating a sustainable procurement policy
      • Examples of sustainable procurement
      • Key considerations

      Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

      3. Sustainable Procurement Tactics

      In this module, we’ll dive into the cornerstones of sustainable procurement. You can consider these the building blocks of your sustainable procurement strategy.

      We will discuss how to implement sustainable procurement tactics throughout each step of the procurement process. In this module, we’ll also explore one of the most important steps of sustainability in procurement: how to shift toward sustainability while maintaining high profitability.

      What you will learn:

        • Procurement governance
        • Human rights
        • Labor practices
        • The environment
        • Fair operating practices
        • Consumer issues
        • Community involvement
        • Sustainability while maintaining high profitability
        • Challenges
        • Key considerations

        Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

        4. Sustainable Procurement Strategy

        This is the module where it all comes together. Everything you’ve learned in modules one, two, and three will be tied together to create a sustainable procurement strategy.

        In this crucial module, you will work on putting your own sustainable procurement plan together. Your sustainable procurement strategy describes how to deliver the best outcome for your sustainable procurement project.

        With a clear step-by-step action plan, we are going to help you to build your own strategy for your procurement portfolio. We created a template for every step.

        What you will learn:

          • Creating your sustainable procurement strategy
          • Managing sustainability stages
          • Integrating sustainability in specifications
          • Sustainable goals as a manager
          • Identifying suppliers
          • Assessing suppliers
          • Managing contracts
          • Kotter’s theory of change
          • Organizing towards sustainability
          • Delivering sustainable procurement change
          • Lencioni’s theory of team change
          • Key considerations

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          Negotiation Course

          ChatGPT & AI in Procurement Course



          43 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          1. Introduction to AI & ChatGPT

          The first module of this course, “Introduction to AI & Chat GPT,” provides a foundational understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in procurement. It covers the basics of AI, the role of natural language processing (NLP) in ChatGPT, and an overview of the procurement chatbot market.

          Additionally, the module explores the benefits of using ChatGPT in procurement, providing insights into how this technology can be used to streamline procurement processes and enhance efficiency.

          By the end of this module, learners will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of AI and ChatGPT, as well as an appreciation for their potential value in the procurement industry.

          What you will learn:

          • Lesson Introduction to the course
          • Introduction: What is AI?
          • Introduction to AI in Procurement
          • Understanding natural language processing (NLP) and its role in ChatGPT
          • ChatGPT in procurement
          • Overview of the procurement chatbot market

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 6 video lessons
          • 2 Powerpoint templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          2. ChatGPT in Procurement

          The second module of this course, “ChatGPT in Procurement,” delves into the specific applications of ChatGPT in the procurement process. It covers the procurement process and how ChatGPT can be integrated into it, enabling procurement professionals to automate various tasks and streamline workflows.

          The module also explains the types of procurement data that can be processed by ChatGPT, including purchase requisitions, invoices, and purchase orders. Furthermore, the module provides best practices for leveraging ChatGPT in procurement, including the art of prompts and use cases of ChatGPT in procurement.

          By the end of this module, learners will have a solid understanding of how ChatGPT can be applied to the procurement process and how to effectively utilize this technology to optimize procurement workflows.

          What you will learn:

          1. The procurement process and how ChatGPT can be integrated into it
          2. Types of procurement data that can be processed by ChatGPT
          3. Best practices for leveraging ChatGPT in procurement
          4. The art of prompts
          5. ChatGPT applications in procurement
          6. Real-life use cases of ChatGPT
          7. Benefits of ChatGPT in procurement

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 7 video lessons
          • 1 Powerpoint template

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          3. How to use ChatGPT in your job

          The third module of this course, “How to use ChatGPT in your job,” explores various use cases of ChatGPT in procurement. This module covers the role of ChatGPT in supplier management, contract management, spend analysis, purchase requisition processing, invoice processing, purchase order processing, supplier onboarding, supplier performance management, and negotiations.

          Through this module, learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of how ChatGPT can be used to automate and streamline various procurement tasks and processes.

          By the end of the module, learners will be equipped with practical knowledge and skills that they can apply in real-world procurement scenarios.

          What you will learn:

          1. ChatGPT in supplier management
          2. ChatGPT in contract management
          3. ChatGPT in spend analysis
          4. ChatGPT in purchase requisition processing
          5. ChatGPT in invoice processing
          6. ChatGPT in purchase order processing
          7. ChatGPT in supplier onboarding
          8. ChatGPT in supplier performance management
          9. Chat PGT in negotiations

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 9 video lessons
          • 27 prompts you can use

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          4. Negotiations with ChatGPT

          The fourth and final module of this course focuses on getting better negotiation results with ChatGPT.

          ChatGPT can help with a variety of tasks, such as researching the other party, preparing and organizing information for the negotiation, and developing negotiation goals. Additionally, ChatGPT can provide insights into the other party’s needs and interests, which can help inform your negotiation strategy.
          The benefits of using ChatGPT in negotiation are numerous.

          ChatGPT can provide a fresh perspective on the negotiation, as it can analyze data and provide insights that you may not have considered. Additionally, ChatGPT can simulate human conversation, which can help you prepare for the negotiation and anticipate the other party’s responses.

          By the end of this module, learners will know how to maximize negotiation results with the power of ChatGPT.


          What you will learn:

          1. ChatGPT in negotiations
          2. Preparing negotiations
          3. Negotiation strategies
          4. Questioning & listening skills
          5. Countering proposals
          6. Expected arguments
          7. Negotiation tactics
          8. ChatGPT roleplaying

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 10 video lessons
          • 18 prompts you can use

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          Negotiation Course

          Junior Procurement Management Course



          52 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          1. Procurement Fundamentals

          In the first module of this course, you’ll explore the fundamental principles of procurement.

          You’ll understand the importance of following a well-defined procurement process with seven essential steps. Discover the key elements of sourcing methodology, learn to analyze purchasing situations, assess internal processes, and conduct financial, contract, market, and portfolio analyses. Lastly, determine a sourcing strategy tailored to your organization’s needs.

          By the end of this module, you’ll have the foundational knowledge and practical insights to excel in procurement management.

          What you will learn:

          1. Introduction to Procurement,
          2. Organization & Sourcing
          3. Perfect Procurement Process in 7 Steps: The Importance
          4. The 6 Important Elements of Sourcing Methodology
          5. Setting up your Sourcing Methodology
          6. Analyzing the Current Purchasing Situation
          7. Analyzing the Internal Process
          8. Financial Analysis
          9. Contract Analysis
          10. Market Analysis
          11. Portfolio Analysis
          12. Determining Your Sourcing Strategy

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 11 video lessons
          • 2 Powerpoint templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          2. The Procurement Process

          In the second module, we will explore the procurement process, guiding you through each step.

          You’ll learn how to conduct market research, create specifications for suppliers, initiate the Request for Information (RFI) process, select the right suppliers, craft a Request for Proposal (RFP), evaluate offers, and optimize your procurement processes using RFI and RFP planners.

          By the end of this module, you’ll have the skills to navigate the procurement process effectively and achieve successful outcomes.

          What you will learn:

          1. Market Research
          2. Specifications: Informing Your Supplier
          3. Request For Information
          4. Supplier Selection
          5. Making a Request For Proposal
          6. How to Evaluate Offers
          7. The RFI & RFP Planner: Process Guidance
          8. Wrap Up

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 8 video lessons
          • 1 Powerpoint template

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          3. Negotiations

          In the third module, we will focus on the negotiation process and equip you with the essential skills to excel in procurement negotiations. Starting with an introduction to the negotiation process, you’ll gain a solid understanding of its significance in procurement.

          We’ll cover the key steps in preparing for negotiation, including determining your negotiation strategy and exploring various negotiation styles. You’ll also learn about important concepts such as the Breakpoint and Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA) to facilitate successful negotiations. We’ll delve into acquiring power in negotiation and discuss best tactics to employ. Additionally, we’ll highlight common negotiation mistakes to avoid.

          By the end of this module, you’ll have the knowledge and practical tools to navigate procurement negotiations with confidence and achieve mutually beneficial agreements.

          What you will learn:

          1. Introduction to The Negotiation Process
          2. Preparing For Negotiation
          3. Determining Your Negotiation Strategy
          4. Negotiation Styles
          5. Breakpoint & Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)
          6. Acquiring Power in Negotiation
          7. Best Tactics in Negotiation
          8. Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid
          9. Closing the Deal
          10. Wrap Up

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 10 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          4. Contracts

          In the fourth module, we will explore the crucial aspects of contract management and equip you with the necessary skills to effectively handle contracts.

          We’ll start with an introduction to contract management and its significance in procurement. You’ll learn how to set up a contract after closing a deal, ensuring all important components are included to safeguard the interests of both parties. We’ll then cover the process of contract awarding, completion, and implementation, ensuring that contracts are executed smoothly. Additionally, you’ll discover various contract management tools that can streamline and enhance your contract management processes.

          By the end of this module, you’ll have the knowledge and practical insights to effectively manage contracts, mitigate risks, and optimize outcomes in procurement.

          What you will learn:

          1. Introduction to Contract Management
          2. How to Set Up a Contract After Closing a Deal
          3. Contract Awarding: Completion and Implementation
          4. Contract Management Tools
          5. Wrap Up

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 5 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          5. Supplier Relationship Management

          In the fifth module, we’ll explore supplier relationship management (SRM) and equip you with the skills to foster effective supplier relationships.

          Topics covered include establishing SRM KPIs, supplier collaboration, using supplier scorecards, managing supplier risks, essential soft skills for SRM, and utilizing SRM tools.

          By the end of this module, you’ll have the knowledge to build and maintain strong supplier relationships for successful procurement outcomes.

          What you will learn:

          1. Establishing SRM KPIs
          2. Supplier Collaboration
          3. Supplier Scorecard
          4. Supplier Risk Management
          5. Important Soft Skills For SRM
          6. Supplier Relationship Management Tools
          7. Wrap-Up

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 7 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          Negotiation Course

          Mini-MBA for Procurement Managers



          11 Video Lessons

          Templates & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          Personal Procurement Plan

          In this Mini-MBA, you will acquire the knowledge, skills, and tools to enhance your procurement expertise and make valuable strategic contributions to your organization’s success. Get ready for an in-depth learning experience that will boost your professional growth and unlock new opportunities in procurement.

          By the time you reach the end of this journey, you will emerge as a procurement expert, equipped with all the knowledge and skills to make a real difference in your organization.

          In this mini-MBA you will gain an in-depth knowledge of the following:

          • A foundational understanding of procurement strategy
          • Internal analysis of the procurement organization
          • External analysis of the business environment and competitiveness outside the organization
          • Strategic planning versus emergent strategies
          • Developing and utilizing balanced scorecards
          • Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Engagement
          • Business ethics
          • Competition in international business in the context of procurement
          • Developments that can impact the strategic management

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 11 video lessons
          • 2 Powerpoint templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.


          Strategic Procurement Leadership Program



          30 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          1. Setting Your Professional Direction In Procurement

          In this initial module of the “Strategic Procurement Leadership Program,” you will embark on a journey to firmly set your professional compass in the dynamic world of procurement. Prepare for a transformative learning experience that not only reinforces your foundational knowledge but also provides insights into the leadership realm, illuminating new avenues for career growth in procurement.

          By the conclusion of this module, you will stand tall with a revitalized perspective on procurement leadership, fully equipped to chart your own course and influence pivotal decisions within your organization.

          Throughout this module, you’ll gain a profound understanding of:

          • Crafting a visionary direction for your procurement career.
          • The intricate responsibilities and expectations associated with a Chief Procurement Officer (CPO).
          • Techniques and strategies to safeguard and propel your career in the ever-evolving procurement landscape.
          • The multifaceted roles procurement leaders must embrace to foster positive transformation and lead their teams to unparalleled success.

          Position yourself at the forefront of procurement leadership and navigate the challenges with newfound clarity and confidence.

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 7 video lessons
          • 2 Powerpoint templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          2. Driving Cultural Change in Procurement

          Dive into Module 2 of the “Strategic Procurement Leadership Program,” a transformative exploration dedicated to driving and nurturing a progressive procurement culture. As you journey through this module, anticipate an enriching learning experience that hones your capabilities, enabling you to be both a beacon of change and a touchstone of strategic alignment within your organization.

          By the culmination of this module, you’ll emerge not just as a procurement professional but as a cultural changemaker, equipped with actionable strategies to usher in meaningful, positive transformations in your procurement function.

          During this module, you’ll immerse yourself in:

          • The art and science of instigating cultural shifts within the procurement function, ensuring alignment with organizational values and goals.
          • Mastery in being a Credible Activist and Strategic Positioner, two pivotal roles that empower you to drive impactful changes and champion your procurement vision.
          • Acquiring the finesse to navigate, address, and capitalize on the paradoxes inherent within the procurement landscape, turning challenges into strategic advantages.

          Elevate your strategic prowess and leadership footprint in procurement, mastering the skills to foster a culture of excellence, innovation, and forward momentum.

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 5 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          3. Managing Power Dynamics

          Venture into Module 3 of the “Strategic Procurement Leadership Program,” a dedicated dive into mastering the nuances of power dynamics within the multifaceted world of procurement. This module offers you a refined lens to perceive and skillfully navigate the intricate web of relationships, both within decentralized procurement functions and beyond organizational boundaries.

          Upon completing this module, you will stand distinguished, not just as a procurement specialist, but as a diplomatic leader, adept at balancing power dynamics, fostering collaboration, and ensuring seamless synergy across diverse teams and stakeholders.

          In this illuminating module, you’ll gain expertise in:

          • Grasping and managing the complexities associated with power dynamics in a decentralized procurement ecosystem, ensuring streamlined operations and effective decision-making.
          • Mastering the challenges and advantages of managing virtual procurement teams, ensuring optimal productivity and alignment irrespective of geographical divides.
          • Delving into strategies to lead global procurement teams, understanding cultural nuances, time zone challenges, and leveraging global talent effectively.
          • Expertise in managing and influencing individuals and entities outside your organization, a crucial capability in today’s interconnected business landscape.

          Step into the realm of strategic leadership in procurement, armed with the acumen to steer teams, manage intricate dynamics, and build robust relationships, ensuring success in a globalized procurement environment.

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 6 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          4. Lean Management in Procurement

          Step into Module 4 of the “Strategic Procurement Leadership Program,” where the timeless principles of Lean and Agile converge with the domain of procurement. This module stands as a beacon for those aspiring to infuse efficiency, responsiveness, and innovation into their procurement processes, aligning with world-class standards.

          By the end of this module, you’ll not only understand but be ready to implement the strategies that have driven some of the world’s most successful organizations. You’ll be recognized not just as a procurement leader but also as an innovator who integrates proven methodologies to drive unparalleled operational excellence.

          Throughout this transformative module, you’ll be exposed to:

          • The principles of Lean Management in procurement, focusing on maximizing value while minimizing waste, ensuring streamlined operations and cost-effectiveness.
          • The legendary Power of Kaizen, introducing you to the “Toyota Way” and its groundbreaking impact on operational excellence.
          • The Agile Manifesto tailored for procurement, providing you with the tools to be more responsive, adaptive, and aligned with evolving business needs.
          • The Scrum framework within the procurement context, empowering your teams to deliver projects more efficiently, collaboratively, and with a customer-centric focus.

          Forge your path in procurement by leveraging the philosophies that have revolutionized industries. Embrace the future of procurement, ensuring agility, efficiency, and sustained competitive advantage.

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 6 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          5. The Agile Procurement Team

          Embark on Module 5 of the “Strategic Procurement Leadership Program,” a comprehensive journey into the Agile realm tailored specifically for the procurement sector. This module has been meticulously crafted to bring the revolutionary Agile principles right to your procurement doorstep, fostering adaptability, collaboration, and rapid value delivery in your processes.

          By the module’s conclusion, you’ll stand apart as a visionary procurement leader, adept at harnessing the agility of startups and channeling it into the structured world of procurement, ensuring both flexibility and robustness in your operations.

          Dive deep into the nuances of this module and emerge with:

          • A thorough understanding of what it truly means to have an Agile Procurement Team, and how such a team can pivot swiftly in response to internal and external changes.
          • Strategies and techniques to design Agile Procurement Teams, ensuring that they are structured for speed, efficiency, and collaborative success.
          • Expertise in empowering self-managed teams, a cornerstone of the Agile philosophy, fostering a culture of ownership, innovation, and accountability.

          Unveil the transformative potential of agility in procurement. By embracing the principles encapsulated in this module, you’ll position yourself and your organization at the forefront of modern procurement, ready to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow.

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 6 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          Negotiation Course

          Soft Skills for Procurement



          11 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          This program focuses on essential soft skills, such as networking, effective communication, and emotional intelligence, tailored for procurement professionals.

          It offers practical insights and real-world applications, ensuring you’re well-equipped to build robust supplier relationships and make impactful decisions. Join us to unlock your potential and navigate the dynamic procurement landscape with confidence and skill. This course is your gateway to excelling in a competitive field.

          Soft Skills for Procurement

          In the “Soft Skills for Procurement” course, you will develop the essential soft skills needed to excel in the procurement field and contribute significantly to your organization’s success. This course offers a comprehensive learning experience, designed to enhance your interpersonal abilities and open new avenues in your procurement career.

          Upon completing this course, you will emerge as a well-rounded procurement professional, adept in skills crucial for thriving in this sector.

          The course will deepen your understanding of:

          – Effective communication and negotiation strategies in procurement.
          – Building emotional intelligence for better professional relationships.
          – Networking techniques for industry connections.
          – Applying empathy and compassion in business interactions.
          – Adapting to changes in the procurement landscape.
          – Strategies for personal and professional development in procurement.

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 11 video lessons
          • 2 Powerpoint templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          Negotiation Course

          Supplier Relationship Management



          35 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          This program is a perfect fit for procurement professionals aiming to enhance their supplier management skills. We cover essential SRM principles, blending theoretical insights with practical applications, tailored to both newcomers and seasoned practitioners.

          Join us for an enriching journey towards mastering supplier relationships, improving efficiency, and contributing to your organization’s success.

          1. Introduction to SRM

          In the first module of our course, you’ll embark on a fascinating journey to understand the core principles of SRM. This module lays the foundation, introducing you to the basics of SRM, its significance in the procurement process, and the essential skills needed for effective supplier relationships.

          Ideal for those new to the field or looking to refresh their knowledge, this module sets the stage for more advanced topics, ensuring you’re well-prepared to navigate the complexities of supplier relationships in your professional role.

          1. Program introduction
          2. Definition of SRM
          3. Importance of SRM in procurement
          4. Key principles of SRM
          5. Two approaches to SRM
          6. Goals of SRM
          7. Wrap-up

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 7 video lessons
          • 2 Powerpoint templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          2. How to implement SRM in procurement

          In the second module, we delve deeper into the strategic aspects of Supplier Relationship Management. You’ll learn about advanced techniques for evaluating and improving supplier performance, how to handle risks in supplier relationships, and the application of tools like supplier scorecards.

          This module is ideal for professionals looking to refine their strategic approach to SRM and implement effective methods for long-term supplier success. It’s a must-attend for those aiming to take their supplier management skills to a higher, more impactful level.

          1. Integrating your SRM strategy
          2. Supplier segmentation
          3. Creating strategic collaborative relationships
          4. Supplier performance goals and measurements
          5. Establishing SRM KPIs
          6. Organizing stakeholders management
          7. Navigating the governance framework
          8. Module wrap-up

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 8 video lessons
          • 1 Powerpoint template

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          3. Developing soft skills for SRM

          The third module of our Supplier Relationship Management course focuses on enhancing your practical skills in implementing SRM strategies within your organization. This module will guide you through the intricacies of applying SRM concepts to real-world scenarios, helping you to effectively integrate these strategies into your company’s framework.

          Perfect for those who have grasped the basics of SRM and are ready to apply this knowledge, this module promises to equip you with the tools and confidence needed to transform your supplier management approach and achieve tangible results.

          1. Networking
          2. Communication
          3. Persuasion and negotiation
          4. Confidence and self-awareness
          5. Emotional intelligence
          6. Empathy and compassion
          7. Inclusivity
          8. Cultural sensitivity
          9. Adaptability
          10. Module wrap-up

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 10 video lessons
          • 1 Powerpoint template

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          4. Tips and tricks: SRM in practice

          The fourth module of our Supplier Relationship Management course is designed to bring all your learning together, focusing on advanced applications and real-world case studies. In this module, you’ll get the opportunity to see how SRM strategies are implemented in various industries and scenarios, enhancing your understanding and giving you insights into best practices.

          This module is perfect for those ready to move from theory to practice, offering a deeper, more nuanced understanding of SRM in action.

          1. How to evaluate suppliers in SRM
          2. Techniques for supplier performance improvement
          3. 8 SRM tactics you should use
          4. Dealing with supplier risks
          5. Major SRM mistakes to avoid
          6. How to identify cause of conflict
          7. How to handle conflicts
          8. Using supplier scorecards in SRM
          9. Module wrap-up
          10. Bonus lesson: Raising SRM excellence with extra tips and tricks

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 10 video lessons
          • 1 Powerpoint template

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.


          Category Management in Procurement



          41 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          This program is designed for procurement professionals seeking to elevate their category management expertise. We delve into fundamental category management principles, seamlessly integrating theory with hands-on approaches, catering to both beginners and experienced professionals.

          1. Introduction to category management in procurement

          In this opening module, we’ll introduce you to the essential concepts and practices of category management in procurement. You’ll learn about its key principles, its role in procurement, and the advantages of applying it effectively.

          Designed to be both informative and engaging, this module will set a solid foundation for your journey into mastering category management. Get ready to enhance your skills and understanding in this vital area of procurement.

          1. Program introduction
          2. Module introduction
          3. Definition of category management
          4. The link between category management and procurement
          5. The 4Ps of category management
          6. 9 category management steps in procurement
          7. The advantages of category management in procurement
          8. The risks of category management in procurement
          9. Wrapup

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 9 video lessons
          • 1 Powerpoint templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          2. Important category management skills

          Building on the foundation laid in Module 1, this module delves deeper into the strategies and techniques essential for effective category management. You’ll gain insights into the practical aspects of procurement, learning how to apply key concepts to real-world scenarios.

          This module is crafted to enhance your decision-making skills, equip you with advanced tools, and provide you with strategies to optimize your procurement processes. Prepare to dive into a hands-on learning experience that will elevate your understanding and application of category management in the dynamic world of procurement.

          1. Identifying stakeholders
          2. Analytical skills: industry and market trends
          3. Product positioning
          4. Supply and value chain analysis
          5. Risk register
          6. Supplier relationship management
          7. Communication
          8. Empathy and compassion
          9. Supplier comparison
          10. Module wrapup

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 10 video lessons
          • 1 Powerpoint template

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          3. Implement category management in procurement

          In Module 3 of our Category Management in Procurement Course, you will embark on a deep dive into the eight critical steps to implement and enhance category management in your procurement strategy.

          This module is packed with actionable knowledge, from conducting a thorough SWOT analysis to mastering the intricacies of market characteristics and spend analysis. You’ll learn about defining categories, supplier analysis, and setting achievable goals.

          This module is designed to turn you into a proficient category manager, equipping you with the tools to analyze, strategize, and continuously improve your procurement approach. Prepare to enhance your skills with practical insights and hands-on learning experiences.

          1. SWOT analysis
          2. Understanding market characteristics
          3. ABC analysis
          4. Defining categories and their roles
          5. Supplier portfolio analysis and tactics to use
          6. Spend analysis
          7. Important category analysis everyone should master
          8. Setting goals
          9. Full category management strategy
          10. Continuous improvement in implementing your strategy
          11. Module wrapup

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 11 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          4. Challenges of category management in procurement

          Module 4 of our Category Management in Procurement Course focuses on the practical implementation and refinement of category management strategies. In this module, you will learn how to apply the principles and techniques of category management to real-world scenarios. We will explore advanced strategies for optimizing procurement processes and enhancing supplier relationships.

          This module is designed to provide you with hands-on experience, equipping you with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively manage categories and drive successful procurement outcomes. Get ready to put theory into practice and take your procurement skills to the next level!

          1. Module introduction
          2. Category management tactics
          3. Collaborative supplier management
          4. Overcome the process complexity challenge
          5. Stakeholder relationships and priority confusions
          6. Business complexity
          7. Resource constraints
          8. The future of category management
          9. Module wrapup
          10. Course wrapup

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 10 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          Negotiation Course

          Risk Management in Procurement



          22 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          This program is created for procurement professionals who want to manage procurement risks. We will cover risk management strategies and techniques, combining insightful theory with practical, actionable approaches.

          This course is designed to serve professionals at all levels—from those new to procurement looking to build a solid foundation in risk management, to seasoned experts seeking to enhance their skills with advanced risk mitigation strategies.

          1. Introduction Risk Management

          In the first module we will lay the foundation of risk management in procurement. We will dive deep into the critical principles and practices of risk management. You will be introduced to the overarching concepts of risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and monitoring, all crucial for safeguarding procurement operations.

          We designed this module to be both enlightening and interactive, it lays the groundwork for your journey towards mastering risk mitigation. Prepare to broaden your expertise and insight into this essential aspect of procurement, enhancing your ability to navigate and manage risks effectively!

          What you will learn:

          • nderstanding Risk Management Framework
          • Types and Sources of Risk in Procurement
          • The Business Consequences of Unmanaged Risks
          • Principles of Risk Management in Procurement
          • Integrating Risk Management into Strategic Sourcing

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 7 video lessons
          • Templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          2. Risk Identification and Analysis

          In Module 2, we delve further into the complexities of risk management by focusing on the initial stages of the risk cycle: Identifying and Assessing risks. This module is designed to equip you with the tools and techniques necessary for a comprehensive understanding of potential risks in procurement and their impacts.

          Through a combination of theory and practical applications, you will learn to systematically identify various types of procurement risks and evaluate their probability and severity. This module aims to enhance your analytical skills, enabling you to make informed decisions and prepare effective risk mitigation strategies.

          Embark on this engaging journey to refine your ability to anticipate and assess risks, setting a strong foundation for advanced risk management strategies in the following modules.

          What you will learn:

          1. Risk Management Category Strategy Template analysis
          2. Risk Identification Techniques
          3. Analyzing Risk Probability and Impact

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 4 video lessons
          • Templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          3. Risk Mitigation Strategies

          In this module we will transition from identifying and assessing risks to actively mitigating and managing them. This critical phase of the course introduces you to a range of strategies and practical approaches for minimizing the impact of identified risks on your procurement processes.

          Structured to be highly interactive and application-focused, this module covers the essentials of risk mitigation, including accepting, avoiding, transferring, and reducing risks. Through detailed exploration of real-world case studies and practical tools, you’ll gain insights into crafting robust risk mitigation strategies tailored to diverse procurement scenarios.

          Prepare to dive deep into the nuances of mitigating procurement risks, enhancing your strategic decision-making and operational resilience.

          What you will learn:

          1. Developing Effective Risk Responses
          2. Financial Risk Management
          3. Operational Risk Management
          4. Legal and Compliance Risk Management in Procurement
          5. ESG Risks in Procurement
          6. Advanced Risk Management Technique: Scenario Planning

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 7 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          4. Implementing and Monitoring Risk Management Plans

          In Module 4, we focus on Implementing and Monitoring Risk Management Plans in procurement. This module teaches the practical steps for activating your risk mitigation strategies and the ongoing process of risk monitoring. Through interactive exercises and case studies, you’ll learn to apply dynamic risk management plans tailored to real-world procurement challenges.

          This module equips you with the skills for a proactive approach to risk, blending theory with actionable insights. Get ready to enhance your procurement strategy with advanced risk management techniques.

          What you will learn:

          1. Creating and Implementing a Risk Management Plan
          2. Ongoing Risk Evaluation and Monitoring
          3. Soft Skills Required for Risk Management

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 4 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          Negotiation Course

          Cultural Impact on Negotiations



          33 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          This program is designed for professionals eager to deepen their understanding of the complex relationship between culture and negotiation. We unravel the complexities of cultural dynamics, combining theoretical knowledge with actionable strategies. Because of this unique angle, this course is helpful to both junior and seasoned negotiators.

          Join us on a transformative journey to navigate the nuanced world of cross-cultural negotiations and deliver better deal results for yourself and your organization

          1. Introduction to Cultural Impact on Negotiations

          In the foundational module of our Cultural Impact on Negotiation course, we delve into the fundamental aspects of how culture influences negotiation. You’ll explore the basic definitions, understand the negotiation process, and discover the close link between culture and negotiation styles. This module is crafted to be both enlightening and interactive, providing a robust groundwork for your exploration into the nuanced interplay between culture and negotiation practices.

          Prepare to broaden your perspectives and refine your negotiation skills through a cultural lens, setting the stage for advanced learning and application in the dynamic field of international negotiations.

          What you will learn:

          • Defining Culture and Negotiation
          • Negotiation Process
          • The Close Link Between Culture and Negotiation
          • Different Negotiation Styles
          • Negotiation Techniques Around the World
          • Guidelines for Cultural Impact on Negotiations
          • Barriers in Cross-Cultural Negotiations
          • Causes of Failure in International Negotiations

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 10 video lessons
          • Templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          2. How Culture Influences Negotiations

          In Module 2 of our Cultural Impact on Negotiation course, you will learn how culture shapes various negotiations. This module focuses on the influence of culture on business practices, relationships, and distinctive negotiation patterns across different cultural landscapes. Tailored to offer both depth and practical insights, this module enriches your understanding of how cultural nuances affect business negotiations, relationship building, and negotiation strategies.

          Get ready to dive deeper into the cultural dimensions of negotiations, enhancing your ability to navigate and manage cross-cultural negotiations effectively. This module is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to leverage cultural understanding in fostering successful international business relationships.

          What you will learn:

          1. How Businesses are Influenced by Culture
          2. How Relationships are Influenced by Culture
          3. How Different Cultural Patterns Affect International Negotiations

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 4 video lessons
          • Templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          3. Different Negotiation Styles in Different Regions

          In Module 3 of this course, we’ll go on a global journey to explore negotiation styles across different regions of the world. This comprehensive module examines the unique negotiation approaches in Europe, the Mediterranean, North and South America, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. You’ll get insights into the cultural foundations that define local negotiation tactics. Designed for an immersive learning experience, this module combines detailed analysis with practical examples, helping you to understand and adapt to the diverse negotiation landscapes encountered in global business interactions.

          Prepare to expand your global negotiation skills. In short, this module aims to arm you with the strategic insights and cultural sensitivity required to excel in the complex world of international negotiations, paving the way for successful negotiation outcomes.

          What you will learn:

          1. Navigating the Cultural Negotiations Around the World
          2. Culture and Negotiations
          3. Exploring the Negotiation Styles of Important European Countries
          4. Exploring the Negotiation Styles of Mediterranean Countries
          5. Culture and Negotiations: North American Style
          6. Exploring the Negotiation Styles of North American Countries
          7. Culture and Negotiations: South American Style
          8. Exploring the Negotiation Styles of South American Countries
          9. Culture and Negotiations: Asian Style
          10. Exploring the Negotiation Styles of Asian Countries
          11. Culture and Negotiations: Middle East Style
          12. Exploring the Negotiation Styles of Middle Eastern Countries
          13. Culture and Negotiations: African Style
          14. Exploring the Negotiation Style of African Countries

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 15 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          Value Chain Analysis Course

          Value Chain Analysis Course



          22 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          This program is designed for procurement professionals and business strategists seeking to master value chain optimization. Offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, this course caters to both beginners and seasoned experts.

          1. Introduction to Value Chain Analysis

          In this initial module, we dive into the fundamental concepts and methodologies of Value Chain Analysis (VCA) in procurement. You’ll explore the core principles of VCA, its significance within the procurement process, and the benefits of its strategic application.

          Crafted to be both enlightening and captivating, this module lays the groundwork for your exploration into mastering VCA. Prepare to boost your expertise and insights in this crucial aspect of procurement!

          What you will learn:

          • Program introduction
          • The Value Chain
          • Value Chain vs Supply Chain
          • Porter’s Value Chain Model
          • The Objectives and Importance of VCA in Procurement

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 6 video lessons
          • Templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          2. Analyzing Activities in the Value Chain

          In Module 2, we delve deeper into the intricacies of Analyzing Primary and Support Activities in the Value Chain. You’ll learn how to dissect and examine the core components of VCA, including inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service, alongside the vital support roles of infrastructure, human resource management, procurement, and technology development.

          Designed to expand your understanding and application skills, this module offers practical insights into optimizing each segment for enhanced operational efficiency and competitive advantage. Gear up to elevate your proficiency in strategically managing and improving your organization’s value chain.

          What you will learn:

          1. Inbound Logistics
          2. Operations
          3. Outbound Logistics
          4. Marketing and Sales
          5. Services
          6. Infrastructure and Human Resource Management
          7. Procurement and Technology Development

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 8 video lessons
          • Templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          3. Creating your Personal VCA Strategy

          In Module 3, we focus on “Creating Your Personal VCA Strategy.” This segment is dedicated to applying the foundational knowledge and analytical skills gained from the previous modules to develop a tailored Value Chain Analysis strategy for your organization. You’ll be guided through the processes of optimizing your procurement process, conducting a comprehensive cost breakdown, analyzing initial findings, benchmarking, identifying improvement opportunities, and finalizing a full VCA strategy.

          This module is structured to transform theory into action, enabling you to craft a strategic approach that leverages unique insights to optimize your organization’s procurement function. Prepare to apply what you’ve learned in a practical setting, making a tangible impact that elevates your company’s competitive edge and operational performance.

          What you will learn:

          1. Optimising Your Procurement Process Through Value Chain Mapping
          2. Cost Breakdown
          3. Analyzing Initial Findings and Benchmarking
          4. Identifying Improvement Opportunities
          5. Supplier Selection
          6. Full VCA Strategy

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 6 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          Negotiation Course

          Spend Analysis Course



          16 Video Lessons

          Templates, Tools & personal coaching

          Single Course Price

          $875 when bought individually

          Spend analysis is an important aspect of procurement as it helps you identify your spending patterns, spot ways to save money, and ensure your data is accurate and up-to-date. This leads to better budgeting and informed decision-making within your procurement department.

          By the end of this course, you’ll know how to break down and understand your company’s spending habits.

          You will create your own spend analysis and use the insights to save money, work more efficiently, and manage potential risks. Get ready to improve your procurement strategies and make a significant impact at your company!

          1. Introduction to Spend Analysis & Data Management

          In this module, you will gain an understanding of spend analysis and its role in procurement. We will start by defining spend analysis and explaining its importance. You’ll learn key concepts and terminology, such as spend taxonomy and the differences between direct and indirect spend.

          We will also introduce you to various tools and software to enhance your spend analysis process. By the end of this module, you will be able to define spend analysis, recognize its benefits, understand how to organize procurement expenses, differentiate between direct and indirect spend, apply optimization strategies, and choose the right software for your needs.

          What you will learn:

          1. Understanding Spend Analysis – Concepts and Importance
          2. Key Concepts and Terminology
          3. Tools and Software for Spend Analysis

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 5 video lessons
          • Templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          2. Spend Analysis in Practice

          In this module, you will learn the most important steps for collecting and preparing data, ensuring you know where to find your data and how to get it ready for analysis. We will guide you through categorizing your spend data to create clear visibility in your procurement processes.

          We’ll cover best practices in spend categorization to ensure your approach is accurate and efficient. You’ll learn how to define and measure key performance indicators (KPIs) to effectively track and manage your spending. The module includes theoretical insights and the latest technology applications, supported by real-life examples and practical templates. Most importantly, in this module, you will also create and finalize your own spend analysis using the provided templates!

          What you will learn:

          1. Data Collection and Preparation
          2. Defining Taxonomy & Categorizing Spend
          3. Best Practices in Categorization
          4. Defining and Measuring KPIs

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 6 video lessons
          • Templates

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          3. Turning spend insights into actions

          In this module, we will cover the techniques used to reduce costs and increase efficiency in your procurement processes such as Pareto analysis and Price Variance analysis. We will discuss different kinds of risks and how spend analysis can be used to assess and mitigate them.

          This module also includes a lesson on how to effectively communicate your spend analysis insights by creating clear and impact reports for different audiences. Finally, the future trends in spend analysis will be discussed to inspire you to stay up-to-date with the newest trends and technologies in procurement.

          What you will learn:

          1. Driving Cost Reduction and Efficiency
          2. Mitigating Risk
          3. How to communicate your spend insights
          4. The future & Role of AI and Machine Learning

          This module includes:

          • Extra reading material
          • 6 video lessons

          Download the syllabus to learn all about this course.

          COMING SOON

          Courses to be released in 2024

          When you purchase Acces To All Courses, you’ll automatically receive access to all new courses


          The templates you’ll get access to

          1. Negotiation Preparation Toolkit

          2. In-Negotiation Toolkit

          3. Procurement Strategy Template

          4. Negotiation Style Template

          5. Supplier Questionnaire

          6. ChatGPT Negotiation Toolkit

          7. Productive Procurement with ChatGPT Toolkit

          8. Sustainable Procurement Strategy

          9. Request For Information Template

          10. Supplier Relationship Scorecard

          11. Sourcing Calendar Template

          12. Sustainable Procurement Policy

          13. Spend Analysis Template

          14. Supplier Deal Comparison Template

          15. Cost Price Breakdown Template

          16. Procurement Contract Template

          17. Procurement Process: 7 Steps

          Negotiation Preparation Toolkit

          This template will help you to prepare for negotiations better.

          ✓ Ideal Negotiation Preparation Process
          Expected supplier arguments template
          ✓ Power balance template
          ✓ Comparing proposals template
          ✓ Comparing suppliers template
          ✓ Negotiation variable ranking template
          ✓ Qualitative deal movement template
          ✓ Like, intent, breakpoint template
          ✓ Negotiation opening template
          ✓ Negotiation Trade-off template
          ✓ Carrots/Gives & Sticks/Takes template
          ✓ Escalation plan template

          This template will help you to prepare for negotiations better.

          ✓ Ideal Negotiation process
          ✓ Phases of negotiation template
          ✓ Negotiation phase deepdive template
          ✓ Zone of Potential Agreement template
          ✓ Keeping track of proposals template
          ✓ Move planner template
          ✓ Record of proposals template

          Procurement Strategy Template

          This template will help you to build an annual procurement strategy.

          ✓ Aligning strategies template
          ✓ Internal Analysis template
          ✓ Pestel analysis template
          ✓ Supplier plotting template
          ✓ Procurement Strategy template
          ✓ Stakeholder mapping tool template
          ✓ Aligning strategy template
          ✓ Example strategy template

          Negotiation Style Template

          This template will help you to determine negotiation styles.
          ✓ Advanced questionnaire of 40 questions to determine your own negotiation style
          This template will help you to find & onboard new suppliers.

          ✓ Send out essential questions to new suppliers
          ✓ Build up your supplier network
          ✓ Create opportunities for new supplier deliveries
          ✓ And more

          ChatGPT Negotiation Toolkit

          This template will help you to unleash the power of AI & ChatGPT in negotiations
          ✓ 23 ChatGPT prompts that will help you get better negotiation results
          ✓ Negotiation preparation
          ✓ Negotiation strategy
          ✓ Countering
          ✓ Dealing with suppliers
          ✓ Negotiation tactics
          ✓ ChatGPT roleplaying

          Productive Procurement with ChatGPT Toolkit

          This template will help you become more productive in a wide range of procurement activities
          ✓ 51 ChatGPT prompts to become more productive in procurement
          ✓ Sourcing
          ✓ Contract management
          ✓ Administration
          ✓ Analytics
          ✓ Supplier management
          ✓ Sustainability

          Sustainable Procurement Strategy Template

          This template will help you to build and organize a sustainable procurement strategy
          ✓ Sustainable risks
          ✓ Sustainable opportunities
          ✓ Sustainability objectives
          ✓ Sustainability requirements

          Request For Information (RFI) Template

          This template will help you to streamline your RFI process:

          ✓ Designed by procurement experts
          ✓ Efficient information collection
          ✓ Saves time on document creation
          ✓ Enhances business efficiency and strategic focus

          Supplier Relationship Management Scorecard

          This supplier scorecard will enhance your procurement performance:

          ✓ Easily customizable for relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
          ✓ Simple grading scale for efficient supplier assessment
          ✓ Suitable for beginners and seasoned professionals
          ✓ A powerful tool for data-driven decisions and valuable insights
          ✓ Ideal for tracking and analyzing key supplier metrics

          Sourcing Calendar Template

          Sourcing Calendar Template

          This template will help you keep track of and manage all the important steps in your sourcing process throughout the year. This template will help you to: 

          ✓ Outline the entire procurement process
          ✓ Plan ahead on your procurement activities
          ✓ Create a central hub for your procurement team
          ✓ Enhance your relationship with your suppliers
          ✓ And more

          Sustainable Procurement Policy Template

          Sustainable Procurement Policy Template

          This template helps you to create sustainable procurement practices, ensuring that your sourcing process not only meets your business needs but also contributes to a more sustainable future. This template will help you to: 

          ✓ Incorporate sustainable procurement into your business
          ✓ Identify sustainability issues
          ✓ Set sustainability targets and goals
          ✓ And more

          This template helps you to analyze and monitor your spending patterns so you can adjust your supplier strategy and reduce costs. This template will help you to:

          ✓ Improve your suppliers’ performance and sourcing strategies
          ✓ Increase operational efficiency
          ✓ Make data-driven decisions
          ✓ Ensure the continuity of your business operations
          ✓ And more

          Supplier Deal Comparison Template

          Supplier Deal Comparison Template

          This template is designed to compare multiple suppliers and deals based on various performance and financial metrics. This template will help you to:

          ✓ Determine the power balance with current suppliers
          ✓ Compare suppliers when buying new products or services
          ✓ Compare existing deals of current suppliers
          ✓ And more

          Cost Price Breakdown

          Cost Price Breakdown Template

          This cost price breakdown template will enhance your procurement performance:

          ✓ Understand the impact of different factors on your products’ cost price
          ✓ More understanding of raw materials + price development
          ✓ Make informed decisions to achieve cost savings
          ✓ And more


          Procurement Contract Template

          Procurement Contract Template

          This template will help you to create solid contracts with your suppliers easily. This template will help you to:

          ✓ Protect your business from potential risks
          ✓ Establish a fruitful relationship between you and the seller
          ✓ Save time and costs.
          ✓ Increase productivity
          ✓ And more


          Procurement Process 7 steps

          Procurement Process:
          7 steps

          This template will help you understand and navigate the seven essential steps of the procurement process. This template will help you to:

          ✓ Streamline and optimize your procurement process
          ✓ Improve procuring supplies for your company
          ✓ Save time, cost, and effort
          ✓ Increase productivity
          ✓ And more

          Practical, hands-on & self-paced

          We give you the most practical, hands-on, and industry-relevant training. And we’re 100% online so that you can learn anywhere, anytime.

          Personal coach & practitioner community

          Contact your personal coach if you need any assistance or input and collaborate with procurement professionals from around the world.

          Advance your career and stay ahead

          Get ahead by learning the latest and most in-demand procurement skills from industry leaders. Essential for a flourishing career in procurement.

          With engaging in-depth training and resources, Procurement Tactics helps procurement teams to drive more business value.

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          9.2 Rated Courses

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          Frequently Asked Questions

          We have put together some frequently asked questions

          What is the price?

          There are 2 options:

          1. Buy single-course access for $875
          2. Buy access to all courses for $1450

          Click here to select your option

          + Will I get an invoice?

          Yes. Upon completing your payment, the (pdf) invoice is automatically generated and sent to your inbox with the payment receipt.

          The pdf invoice is can be used to expense the enrollment fee with your employer.

          + What is the refund policy?

          We pride ourselves on high-quality programs. That’s why we feel comfortable offering a 60-day money-back guarantee to ensure that you are 100% satisfied.

          If for any reason it’s not your thing, you can view the full guarantee and request a refund within 60 days after your enrollment date. This makes your enrollment 100% risk-free!

          + What happens after I pay ?

          Great question. Here’s what will happen after you complete your payment:

          1. You’ll receive an email with an invoice
          2. You’ll receive a second email with the invitation to our study environment
          3. You’ll receive a third email from your instructor to schedule your kickoff session
          4. Once you completed all of the lessons, you’ll receive your certificate