Written by Marijn Overvest | Reviewed by Sjoerd Goedhart
Fact Checked by Ruud Emonds | Our editorial policy

Agile Procurement — Everything You Need to Know for Procurement 2025

Key takeaways

  • Agile procurement ensures a faster and more effective reaction by allowing a company to adjust to changes.
  • The procedure guarantees quick improvements, more cooperative additions, and a client-focused strategy.
  • The procedure also improves existing operations, ensuring adaptability, risk mitigation, and ongoing innovation.

Agile procurement is a game-changing process, helping companies incorporate quick and efficient processes in acquiring goods and services. 

It’s all about blending the right amount of teamwork, efficiency, and attention to detail. The essence of agility application is in its ability to travel the procurement landscape without worries about facing challenges. 

This article will discuss what the process is and its importance. Moreover, we’ll discuss how it can benefit procurement operations. We’ll also include steps to improve it to step up your procurement game. 

I have created a free-to-download editable procurement process: 7 steps templateIt’s a PowerPoint file, together with an Excel filethat can help you with your procurement process. I even created a video where I’ll explain how you can use this template.

What is Agile Procurement?

Agile procurement is an approach for a fast and effective acquisition of goods and services. This process incorporates agile project management practices with current company operations for a smoother and more efficient flow. 

Additionally, software development and technological advancements apply to agile methodologies, allowing companies to match the fast-paced changes in market conditions. 

The agility also enables these companies to emphasize collaboration with suppliers, operational flexibility, and responsiveness to issues and uncertainties. Rather than stuck-up plans, agile procurement calls for spontaneity and proactivity. 

This process encourages procurement teams to continuously build communication with the stakeholders while evolving the business operations. Consequently, the team can meet targets without wasting any effort. 

Agile procurement calls for them to manage small actions and snowball them to assess priorities, ensuring development and an active approach. 

Moreover, this procurement type significantly benefits companies dealing with quick-changing markets, fostering a lightning-fast approach and adaptive strategizing. 

Companies with agile procurement build quicker thinking, cut business risks, and create better outcomes and results out of their operations.

Agile Principles

Knowing the agile principles to apply in the procurement process is crucial for establishing it in the company’s operations.

It’s more than learning new ways of procurement. It’s about taking it deeper into the core of the company’s driving force. Learning more about these principles can be done below:

1. Service Promptness

Procurement agility emphasizes quick value delivery to customers, consistently and efficiently. Manageable portions enable procurement teams to handle loads of delivery requests more effectively. 

Consequently, customers can feel the benefits sooner than expected. This process supplements the company’s development through valuable feedback and insight.

2. Change Adaptability

In agile procurement, the company expects requirements and ongoing processes to change out of the blue. Rather than resisting this uncertainty, procurement teams welcome it and adapt accordingly. 

In this procurement type, the change process is a strength of the company, showing it readily matches the changes that arise. Moreover, it proves a company’s flexibility in providing what the customer needs on the fly.

3. Consistent Collaboration

Agility also means collaboration is a welcoming trait for those interested in the company’s success. 

It includes welcoming and consistent communication between departments whose goals, when combined, can bring better value to the company. 

Agile procurement fosters a collaborative environment that promotes better decision-making and a more responsive operation.

Agile Procurement and Traditional Procurement

Agile and traditional procurement represent their unique approach to acquiring goods and services. 

The differences define the contrast of each methodology, showing how a company tackles the given situation. 

No procurement is the same. Here, we will elaborate on how these differences highlight its value in company operations:

This procurement type focuses on adaptiveness and responsiveness. It emphasizes the need for action-ready responses through the company’s procurement process.
Agility allows the company to break down complex processes into small, incremental ones. The company manages huge tasks, enabling consistent and continuous value delivery.
Agile procurement emphasizes collaboration and synergy with partners. It allows the company’s procurement team to connect efforts to sections that need it.
Traditional procurement follows the old-fashioned, structural process. It involves careful and detailed planning, with less flexibility in the process.
This procurement structure follows the usual distinct stages that need completion before proceeding to the next stage. Adjustments are often a no-no when the process is already ongoing.
Traditionally, companies focus on transactions and less on direct involvement. The company highly values the specifications of the agreed procurement proposal.

Why is Agile Procurement Important?

The importance of agile procurement shines in modern business operations. Consider this scenario: This process in your company boosts team efficiency and flexibility.

Simply relying on traditional ways will trap you in a sticky situation where operations are slow and inoperative. In agile procurement, you can swiftly adapt to market changes, learn about new technology like AI in Procurement, and more. 

The good thing about agile procurement is you’re making significant decisions without compromising the company’s direction. 

It’s a process where top management, stakeholders, and employees’ ideas combine to gain insight into the company’s goals and objectives.

It reduces problems and opens more opportunities as the team becomes quick and flexible with issues on procurement matters. 

More importantly, agile procurement fosters innovation and creativity, with everyone pooling their vision to improve the company’s current and future operations. 

With fast responses and easier task division, procurement teams can get things done and pool in better opportunities. 

This process makes the next procurement cycle more effective and efficient. Ultimately, agile procurement delivers results quickly and efficiently.

Benefits of Agile Procurement

Agile procurement upgrades the company’s operations to meet the current trends and modern versions.

It helps the company fine-tune its activities to hit target marks and reap the rewards of success. 

That’s why it’s crucial to understand how this package can benefit your company’s procurement process. It can transform it into a game-changing operations machine. 

Below are five benefits of agile principles in procurement to make your company’s process better:

1. Increased Flexibility

It enables companies to quickly respond to the rapidly changing market conditions and digital advancements in the procurement landscape.

Lightning-fast reflexes in the company also help recognize issues. Incorporating flexibility is a trait to make procurement strategies avoid uncertainties and pitfalls while aligning with company goals. 

Consequently, the company’s operations can become smoother, specific, and target-oriented. 

2. Faster Time-to-Value

The swift nature of agile procurement focuses on quicker deliveries and grouped and incremental process phases. 

This division makes the company’s procurement more manageable and trackable while quickly realizing results and value. 

It significantly benefits the company more than slow, traditional, and linear approaches. 

The proactiveness of this process allows a company to become activity-oriented without compromising the quality of its goods and services.

3. Resource Optimization

Agile practices help prioritize and attend to the significant goods and services first.

This process optimizes the management of resources, ensuring they are allocated efficiently to the various company departments and crucial projects. 

Consequently, this operation reduces the risk of unnecessary spending and expenditures while maintaining financial integrity and efficiency. 

It also helps the company save valuable resources for other integral activities, maximizing the results of their activities.

4. Customer Satisfaction

Agile practices in procurement also account for the company’s collaborative processes, ensuring proactivity within its various departments.

The process optimizes feedback reception, evaluation, process assessments, and clear communication between departments in considering a customer-focused approach. 

The communication enables the company to extend its hand outside its internal operations. It allows them to gather information on how to make the customers happy while building a robust foundation for the company. 

Positive relationship building also extends to the needs of customer expectations. 

5. Improvement Culture

It also fosters innovative methods to improve the operations of the company. 

It incorporates a continuous development process, which includes feedback sessions, performance assessments, and overviews. 

This process allows the company’s teams to know how they did with work and where to improve it. 

Eventually, it contributes to the company’s continuous goal of optimization and development.

Improving Agile Procurement

Improving this process combines fine-tuning procurement activities, enhancing partnerships, and fostering continuous development.

These steps can help a company develop a more responsive procurement process, resulting in better results and lightning-fast responses. 

Knowing where to focus the company’s agile practices development helps it streamline its operations and remove the hurdles that block its success. 

Below are three crucial improvement areas for a better agile procurement:

1. Skills Investment

Agility development starts with providing training and including procurement best practices in the regiment. Assess if the procurement team understands the meaning of agility in procurement. 

Additionally, check for individual traits and qualities that possess the potential to empower procurement teams. 

Fast responses can’t be quicker without the help of developing them through guided procurement principles. Agility means flexibility, efficiency, and responsibility.

2. Enhancing Collaboration

Communication is vital in fostering this process between procurement teams and top management. 

Active involvement of both parties creates dynamic and innovative approaches rooted in collaboration and openness. 

It ensures that procurement activities align with current objectives. Additionally, it helps them strategize future activities more efficiently, as different minds contribute more ideas to the table. 

Doing so enhances feedback, transforms the process into a better one, and allows the management to refine their approaches. Collaboration provides more than quick thinking. It enables groups to think as one.

3. Digital Transformation

Agile practices in procurement can also benefit from modern technology. Leveraging these devices and software can help streamline the procurement process. 

This incorporation reduces manual error, making agile procurement more “agile” and effective with the company’s overall operations. Companies can start with user-friendly tools, adding a side of training to complement it. 

Examples of these tools include AI (artificial intelligence), Supplier Performance Management Software, communication platforms, e-procurement, and more. These tools enhance visibility, collaboration, and data accuracy, providing efficiency and adaptability. 

Examples of Agile Procurement

Various companies have adopted agile practices to make their procurement processes better. 

Developing agility is crucial for innovative approaches and updated operations, making companies more efficient and effective in delivering goods and services to their customers.

Knowing which Companies perform well with agile proactivity is crucial to understanding how these bigshots implement agile practices within their operations. 

Below are three examples of companies applying agile principles in procurement:

1. Apple

Apple is known for incorporating innovative processes while continuously hooking its customers with its products and services. 

This seamless approach involves agile principles with its different company activities. Apple commits itself to leading the race of developing technology and fostering a flexible and lightning-fast responsiveness to market demands and trends. 

The company’s agile principle approach matches the rapidly changing technology industry. More importantly, Apple can keep up with its growing market circle. 

Apple’s agility and commitment to continuous improvement allow it to develop its process while catering to its customers’ needs.  

Apple ensures it remains ahead of its race through efficiency and effective decision-making. 

The consistent upgrades and planning are how they do agile procurement. These adjustments result in improvement within and outside the company’s walls.  

2. Microsoft

Microsoft, a cornerstone in the tech industry, pioneered agile principles within software development. Moreover, the company extends these principles to its expansive operations. 

This process highlights how the company values agility without compromising the quality of its operations. It’s their commitment to remain agile and effective in navigating the bumpy procurement landscape. 

Microsoft’s journey is possible through its unrelenting effort to develop strategies and swiftly adapt to market changes. 

The company extends its efforts to its partners, the supply chain, and the customer’s experiences. 

Moreover, the company continuously communicates with the top management, ensuring they meet the objectives while making everyone happy with the outcome. 

Microsoft instills this positive attitude throughout its activities, resulting in agile, quick, and efficient procurement. 

Ultimately, the company benefits from its operations by continuously adapting to the vast business environment. 

Microsoft also ensures that it addresses its needs without compromising or disregarding the benefit of its stakeholders.

3. Spotify

Spotify shows its agile procurement practices through its known “Spotify Model.” The company puts these agile practices in its various processes. 

Through its company culture development, Spotify fosters a creative and development mindset. This process caters to the changing market demands and the company’s needs. 

Spotify focuses on incrementing software development, breaking down deliverables into manageable resources. 

This division helps the company manage its needs without compromising its operations, avoiding delays and disruptions within its company activities. 

Consequently, the company collaborates with its sourcing partners to meet its digital needs. 

The company promptly addresses its digital needs through established communication with its partners. 

This process ensures that Spotify can optimize its operations and the listening experience of its subscribers.


In conclusion, Agile procurement develops a company’s ability to adapt to market changes through quick and efficient responses.

This article discussed how agile procurement works and its importance in improving a company’s operation. 

Moreover, we also discussed how agile procurement can benefit a company, from increased flexibility to a culture of improvement in its operations. 

It is also crucial to know how we can improve a company’s agile procurement by focusing on three things. 

Namely, these processes are Skills Investment, Enhancing Collaboration, and Digital Transformation. Knowing how to improve it is a step forward to procurement success. 

We should learn from industry leaders like Apple, Microsoft, and Spotify. They show how agile procurement can effectively benefit the company’s operations. 

Agile procurement is about being quick and efficient while considering the quality of the work done by the company.  

Frequentlyasked questions

What is Agile Procurement?

Agile procurement is an approach for a fast and effective acquisition of goods and services.

Why is Agile Procurement Important?

Agile procurement boosts team efficiency and flexibility. It allows you to make decisions without compromising timeliness.

What are the three ways to improve Agile Procurement?

The Three Ways to Improve Procurement Agility are Skills Investment, Enhancing Collaboration, and Digital Transformation.

About the author

My name is Marijn Overvest, I’m the founder of Procurement Tactics. I have a deep passion for procurement, and I’ve upskilled over 200 procurement teams from all over the world. When I’m not working, I love running and cycling.

Marijn Overvest Procurement Tactics