HRC Steel Prices – Historical Graph

Real-time chart of historical daily HRC steel prices. The prices are shown in ton.
The current price is and is last updated on .
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  • The average price in the past 7 days is
  • The average price in the past 30 days is
  • The average price in the past 365 days is

HRC Steel Prices Explained

Generally, HRC steel price fluctuation comes from the growing need of industries which increases every year as emerging economies see industrial investment as a profitable market in the coming years. HRC steel prices posted varying trends across major markets. The European and American regions reported notable developments.

The U.S. market showed a modest increase of 0.2%, maintaining a premium over imported materials. The European reported optimistic trends as the German spot market increased to 1.5%, with domestic producers pushing for higher prices due to rising manufacturing costs.

Why are HRC steel prices fluctuating?

1. Supply and Demand

The demand for HRC steel is closely tied to economic growth in a country. Developing countries that shifted to industrialization tend to grow their HRC steel demand to keep construction, manufacturing, and infrastructure productivity.

Apart from top HRC steel importers, this additional interest reflects the cyclical price fluctuation.

2. Raw Materials Costs

Iron ore, limestone, and coal are the main raw materials used for making HRC steel. Any increase or decrease in these materials’ prices will directly affect the cost stability of HRC steel prices. Global supply and demand, government policies, production costs, and transportation also get a hand in raw materials costs.

3. Energy Costs

According to sustainability guidelines, the steel-making process is one big contributor to global warming as it uses natural gas to melt iron into steel. As a result, steel companies revised some of their production processes to fit the guidelines thus, affecting HRC steel prices.

4. Market Competition

The rising market of other steel producers like Taiwan, Vietnam, and Mexico are growing threats to the top HRC steel exporters causing tight market competition. Over time, the market competition will become saturated prompting the fall of HRC steel.

Which variables impact the price of HRC steel?

  • Demand and Supply
  • Raw Materials Cost
  • Energy Cost
  • Market Competition
  • Trade Policies

Where does HRC steel come from?

Considered the most actively traded material, HRC steel is an important component in the manufacturing process like automotive, construction, appliances, and machinery.

The establishment of the first rolling mills was in the Middle East and South Asia dated 600 BC. The development of HRC steel started with an artistic legacy by Leonardo da Vinci who first created the first European variant of a rolling mill in the 15th century.

Furthermore,  the industrial espionage by Richard Foley in the Swedish metal manufacturers who trustingly taught him slitting and cutting mill techniques in the 16th century culminated in a series of steel modifications that give us the refined HRC steel nowadays.

Today, top producers vary yearly but China, Luxembourg, Japan, and South Korea are steadily claiming their spots in the production chain. The United States follows distantly but maintains its position as the leading steel manufacturer in the market.

What is the future price of HRC steel?

HRC steel maintained its price hike after the rebounding of steel demand in China. However, its tailwind trend in trading charts was short-lived as the country’s economy is currently experiencing deflation, causing its prices to scale back.

While steel demand from the Chinese property sectors provides lingering weaknesses in the market, experts expect a robust demand from the country’s infrastructure and automotive industry (particularly in EV production). Both industries account for 25% (infrastructure) and 10% (automotive) of its domestic consumption. 

Additionally, some European steel mills turned off their blast furnaces after the commodity’s price slumped. However, experts noted bullish sentiment as some automotive manufacturers and steelmakers secured contracts in the region.

Overall, HRC steel prices will be $1,537.10 per ton by the end of 2025. However, due to its volatile nature, it is always good to keep track of the production, supply side, and economic performance as they are the main determiners of HRC steel’s future prices.


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