Dried Grapes Prices – Historical Graph

Real-time chart of historical daily dried grapes prices. The prices are shown in kilogram.
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Dried Grapes Prices Explained

Dried grapes demand and prices continuously increase due to the growing inclination towards healthy and natural food products.

Additionally, developed and emerging economies such as China, Brazil, India, and some countries from the Southeast Asian regions experience changing dietary preferences which contribute to the increase of dried grapes prices. Furthermore, 40% of imported raisins or dried grapes directly go to the European Union, the biggest importer worldwide.

Why are dried grapes prices fluctuating?

1. Market Competition

Competition in the raisin business such as the number of producers, distributors,  consumers, cost, and accessibility of substitute products always affect dried grapes prices. For example, raisins have to compete with other dried fruits like dates, figs, apricots, and prunes. Thus, any changes in price from these alternatives will ultimately impact dried grapes prices.

2. Quality and Variety

The quality and variety of raisins affect their price; higher-quality and more popular raisins are typically sold at higher prices than their less-appealing competitors.

Additionally, taste preferences and appearance influence its prices too.  For example, black seedless grapes cost up to $5 per pound while green seedless grapes are more affordable, ranging from $1 to $3 per pound.

3. Weather Conditions

Climate and weather are important factors in both grape growing and the harvesting process.

Drought, cold, hail, and floods are examples of unfavorable weather conditions that damage grape crops and reduce the amount and quality of raisins produced. Therefore, with decreased supply and potential damage to quality, the overall scarcity of dry grapes drives prices higher in response to fluctuating weather conditions.

4. Production Costs

Production, logistics, and marketing all account for the overall retail price of dried grapes.

These expenses are crucial in influencing the price of raisins as higher production and processing costs result in higher pricing, and lower costs have the opposite effect. Additionally, fertilizer prices experienced a nearly 30% increase due to raw material costs and China’s export restrictions. Thus, this upward trend in production input costs is expected to be reflected in the overall pricing of dried grapes.

Which variables impact the price of dried grapes?

  • Market Competition
  • Quality and Variety
  • Weather Conditions
  • Production Costs
  • Transportation Costs
  • Government Policies

Where do dried grapes come from?

Dry grapes or raisins are produced by drying grapes either under the sun or using drying equipment, resulting in their golden, green, or black coloration.

Also, artificial dehydration techniques are used in addition to the conventional sun-drying process as it’s fast and convenient. Overall,  drying fresh grapes is a basic yet labor-intensive step in the manufacturing of raisins. The typical steps involved in raisin production include:

1. Grape Harvesting – The first step in the process is harvesting the grapes. Generally, Sultana, Muscat, and Thompson varieties are the most suited for drying as these are seedless types.

2. Sorting and Cleaning – After harvesting, the grapes are sorted to remove any damaged or underripe fruit. Then, they are thoroughly cleaned to eliminate dirt, leaves, and other debris.

3. Pre-Treatment – Grapes may occasionally go through pre-treatment steps designed to enhance the drying process. This involves dipping them in a solution to promote even drying and improve the appearance of the final raisin.

4. Drying – The primary step in raisin production is the drying process. There are several methods employed for drying grapes:

  • Sun Drying – Grapes are allowed to dry naturally in the sun by spreading out on trays or paper trays. Additionally, this is the old-fashioned way and gives the raisins a unique flavor.
  • Mechanical Drying – Mechanical drying methods like tray drying or tunnel dehydration are sometimes used in modern production. These techniques are usually done in specialist facilities that offer regulated drying conditions.

5. Monitoring and Turning – Raisin makers closely monitor the grapes during the drying process to ensure uniform drying. For easier and more uniform drying, the grapes are turned regularly.

6. Dehydration and Storage – Once the grapes reach the proper degree of dehydration, they are processed using dehydration equipment to remove any remaining moisture. After converting them into raisins, the dried grapes are stored in an environment that maintains their quality.

7. Packaging – Finally, pack the raisins for distribution and consumption.

What are the uses of dried grapes?

Dried grapes or raisins are a good source of fiber and phytochemicals that have many health benefits despite their high sugar level. Moreover, they have strong antibacterial qualities that support maintaining dental health.

Furthermore, eating raisins helps treat anemia, promote weight gain, lower blood pressure, prevent cancer, ease constipation, strengthen bones, and enhance hair health. Some notable industrial uses of dry grapes include:

1. Food Industry – Raisins are a multipurpose snack, garnish, sweetener, and an excellent source of minerals and antioxidants. Also, they are processed to produce grape seed oil, wine, vinegar, or juice.

2. Packaging Industry – Grape canes, the leftover materials from grape pruning are used to make particleboards with a bioadhesive made of citric acid and grape extracts.

3. Cosmetics – Their extracts have potential use in the cosmetics industry, especially for skincare products as they are rich in antioxidants.

4. Animal Feed – Raisins or raisin by-products are used in the production of animal feed, providing a source of natural sugars and nutrition for livestock. Additionally, fermented raisins are used for fermentation purposes in several industrial operations.

5. Natural Sweeteners – Its natural sweetness makes it a suitable natural sweetener for numerous industrial uses, reducing the need for refined sugars or artificial sweeteners.

6. Dairy Industry – Raisins are used in the dairy sector to produce yogurt, ice cream, and sweets.
Furthermore, they are included in recipes to improve texture and add sweetness.

What is the future price of dried grapes?

The anticipated increase in dried grape imports is influenced significantly by evolving consumer preferences and the recognized health benefits of dried grapes.

Additionally, the use of dried grapes leftovers for bio-based energy production and nutrition in nations like China and India is an emerging price determiner.

Furthermore, the growing trend of consumers choosing functional foods to maintain their health and lower their risk of lifestyle-related conditions is another factor driving the market. Moreover, the commodity’s increasing role in small-to-medium online and traditional pastry businesses supports its marketability. 

Overall, dried grape prices will be $4.25 per kilogram in 2027, with an expected CAGR of 4.6%.


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