Lemon Prices – Historical Graph
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Popular questions about lemon prices:
Lemon Prices Explained
Lemon prices remained elevated as the market recorded a 20%-30% drop in production due to climate factors. The premature end of South African exports led to the early arrival of Spanish lemons in the market. While it replenishes the growing demand, it still isn’t enough to cover global needs. However, experts are hoping that stable prices will soon dominate as Turkey’s lemon production showed positive developments.
Why are lemon prices fluctuating?
1. Weather Conditions
Lemons are vulnerable to low temperatures particularly when they are in the flowering and fruit-setting periods. Thus, frost or freezing temperatures damage lemon trees, flowers, and young fruit, leading to lower yields. When this occurs, the reduced lemon supply can drive its prices upward.
2. Seasonal Variation
Lemons have specific peak harvest seasons during the year. This typically varies by region. During these periods, lemon trees produce a higher volume of fruit. As a result, the increased output of fresh lemons in the market during these seasons tends to lower lemon prices as supply is abundant.
3. Transportation and Distribution Costs
The cost of transporting lemons from growing regions to consumer markets depends on the distance they travel. Longer distances typically result in higher transportation costs, which can be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Additionally, lemons are perishable, and maintaining proper temperature control during transport is crucial.
Overall, refrigeration and packaging costs add pressure to transportation expenses which impacts lemon prices in the market.
4. Consumer Demand
Prices for lemons are mostly determined by consumer demand. Variations in demand such as seasonal needs, food trends, or health-conscious decisions, cause price adjustments as suppliers adjust their pricing methods to suit the needs of consumers.
Which variables impact the price of lemon?
- Weather Conditions
- Seasonal Variation
- Transportation and Distribution Costs
- Consumer Demand
- Harvesting and Labor costs
- Market Competition
- Quality and Grade
- Pests and Disease
Where does lemon come from?
Lemons are a multipurpose fruit that are valued for their pulp, juice, and zest. They are also essential components in baking, cooking, and even cleaning.
Additionally, they are uniquely sour due to the high concentration of citric acid in them. These citrus fruits are Asian in origin, most likely from China, Northern Myanmar, or Northeast India. Some of the most popular lemon types include:
1. Menton Lemon – This type of lemon has yellow fragrant skin and a unique sweet flavor, unlike most lemons. Additionally, it is larger than the common lemon with a thicker skin; and contains more sugar than strawberries.
2. Eureka Lemon – It is oval-shaped, with bright yellow, slightly bumpy skin. Its flesh is juicy and acidic, with a few seeds.
3. Lisbon Lemon – This lemon is very similar to Eureka lemons, both in appearance and taste.
4. Bergamot Lemon – Bergamot lemon looks like an orange with green flesh and thick smooth skin that turns yellow when ripe. Its skin is slightly orange and tastes acidic but the inside is sweet.
5. Meyer Lemon – It is smaller and rounder than Eureka and Lisbon lemons. Meyer has a thin, smooth, deep yellow to orange-yellow skin and a sweeter, less acidic flavor.
6. Pink Variegated Lemon – Its skin is rough and often green-striped. Additionally, the flesh appears very similar to a grapefruit.
7. Yuzu Lemon – This type of lemon looks like a crossbreed between a wild mandarin and a citrus tree. Its taste gives a particular combination of yellow grapefruit, lime, and mandarin.
8. Verna Lemon – Known for its juicy, acidic, and tangy flavor, it is widely used in cooking and for making lemon juice
9. Buddha’s Hand Lemon – Commonly called the fingered citron. This unique variety of lemon has a finger-like shape, with a thick and fragrant rind. Additionally, its taste is a combination of sweet and floral, with a hint of bitterness.
What are the uses of lemon?
Lemons are rich in vitamin C which has many health benefits. Due to their natural acidity and pleasing scent, they are often used in the manufacturing of cleaning solutions.
Furthermore, chemicals derived from lemons are put into insect repellents, demonstrating their various uses beyond their usual use as a fruit. Some potential industrial uses of lemon include:
1. Food Processing – Lemon juice, lemon zest, and lemon flavor extracts are used as ingredients in the food processing industry for various products such as beverages, desserts, and baked goods.
2. Fragrance and Perfume Industry – Lemon essential oil and lemon fragrance compounds are important in the production of perfumes, colognes, and scented products for their fresh and citrusy scent. Moreover, its extracts are used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics for their natural properties and fragrances.
3. Cleaning Products – Its natural acidity and pleasant odor make it a popular ingredient in various household and industrial cleaning products such as surface cleaners and degreasers.
4. Flavor and Fragrance Production – Due to its rich citrusy flavor and fragrance, lemons are utilized in the production of candies, beverages, and air fresheners.
5. Insect Repellents – Lemon-based compounds are sometimes incorporated into natural insect repellents due to their scent and potential repellent properties.
What is the future price of lemon?
The consumers’ growing health awareness is the primary factor contributing to the fluctuation of lemon prices in the market.
As people become more health-conscious, the demand for beverages offering more than hydration grows significantly. There’s a thriving market for natural and organic products, aligning with the broader shift toward cleaner and sustainable consumption practices.
For instance, the growing cultivation of organic lemon oil in Spain spurred inspiration from its local growers to focus on organic farming as the country looks to diversify its sustainable approaches. Spain’s food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries target the utilization of organic lemon oil in their products as part of its net zero-carbon goal in 2050.
Additionally, the rising need for lemon juice concentrates in the food manufacturing industry for ready-to-drink beverages opens another segmented market for this commodity.
These factors collectively contribute to the market’s expansion, fostering the development and availability of products that provide the changing preferences of health-conscious consumers. Thus, the future price of lemon in 2028 will range from $2.42 to $6.60 per kilogram or from $1.10 to $3.00 per pound.